
Pop Punčov Sbornik

The manuscript № 693 of the National Library "Sv.Sv. Kirill i Metodii" in Sofia, is a unique example of the 18th century literature in Bulgaria. With its eclectic contents, reader-friendly language and narrative style, but also illustrations and author's self-representation, it represents a transitional stage between the medieval scribal tradition of literature, aiming at preservation of ancient knowledge, and the modern trends - education of the people, encyclopaedic collection of available knowledge, as well as the ideology of a nation.
The introduction contains hints that priest Pun[č]o of Mokreš, the author of the manuscript, planned to publish the book in a print. While he did not succeed in this, this website tries to honor his work by publishing it by the 21st century means. The website provides the full text of the manuscript, as well as a collated view of individual chapters with translations and the facsimile of the original, provided by the Library.


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NBKM 328, a "working book" of Josif Bradati link
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Tixonravov damaskin link


The project is funded by the Stiftung Empiris, Jakob Wüest Fonds, via Foundation for Research in Science and Humanities at the University of Zurich, and realized at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Zurich.

Recommended citation

Šimko, Ivan; Mihova, Polina; Winistörfer, Olivier; Escher, Anastasia (eds., 2021). Pop Punčov Sbornik - Digital Edition. Zürich: UZH Institute of Slavic Studies. Available online at (last access: )