1	ст҃и	svęt	Ampnn	_	_	2	amod	2:amod	_
2	безсре́бреници	bezsrebъrnik	Nmpny	_	_	6	nsubj	6:nsubj	_
3	ко́зма	Kozma	Nfsny	_	_	2	appos	2:appos	_
4	҆и+	i	C	_	_	5	cc	5:cc	_
5	да_миáнь	Damian	Nmsny	_	_	3	conj	3:conj	_
6	бе́хꙋ	sъm	Vmii3pi	_	_	0	root	0:root	_
7	сꙋщи	sъm	Ampnn	Vmpp-pia	_	8	amod	8:amod	_
8	брáйкꙗ	brat	Nmpny	_	_	6	obl:pred	6:obl	_
9	ва	v	Sl	_	_	10	case	10:case	_
10	вре́ме	vreme	Nnsnn	_	_	6	obl	6:obl	_
11	рим͛скаго	rimski	Amsgy	_	_	12	amod	12:amod	_
12	цр҃а	car	Nmsgy	_	_	6	obl	6:obl	_
13	кари́на	Karin	Nmsgy	_	_	12	appos	12:appos	_

# translation: The holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian were brothers in the time of the Roman Emperor Carinus